How To feed our puppy

Feeding puppies.

The process of feeding puppies really begins after the bitch is mated in the kennel.
From the day of mating, the female dog should switch to the same food that puppies will eat after switching from mother's milk to solid food.
From the day of birth for the next few days, the female dog who gave birth to puppies. In addition to the food, female  should get an additional nutrient portion with more calcium, potassium and iron.

For this purpose, we prepare the following additional meal in our kennel.
It is a soup prepared with beef or poultry offal (poultry hearts, poultry stomachs). We add vegetables such as carrot, parsley, celery, beetroot, apple, pear. We cook everything 1.5 hours. After cooling, add calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium and a small amount of powdered milk (for puppies) and then feed it.
We give the soup for a week, after which the mother goes completely to the food, the same that the puppies will later eat.

Transition to solid food
Depending on the breed, the transition to solid food can take anywhere from a few days to a week.
If you are not planning BARF feeding. Solid food can be prepared and served in two ways.

• First, we cook the soup with beef or poultry offal (poultry hearts, poultry stomachs) and add vegetables such as carrot, parsley, celery, beetroot, apple, pear. We cook everything 1.5 hours. After it cools down, we wander until it becomes a mush, we take the baby in our hands and put the mush in the mouth.
• The second way is to pour hot water on the dry food (we wait for the food to cool down) let's turn it pale, take the baby on our hands, put it on our knees and put the food in its mouth. At the age of five weeks, puppies switch to dry food, which we pour water and give immediately to eat.
We only serve food at a time, as much as we can fit on the smallest finger of our hand.

If U decide for BARF type of feeding, You can prepare small size meat balls ( size of  a grea pea).

This way I'll feed them for a week. Then the portion size is calculated depending on the number of puppies in the litter. A portion between 4 and 5 weeks is approximately 40 grams per puppy. At this time, we observe the babies' appetite and gradually increase the amount of food given. Already in the 7th week it will be about 80-90 grams per day. During this time, we add powdered milk for puppies or appropriate vitamin powders to the food.
In the case of rapid growth spurts, we provide additional nutrients and essential vitamins and minerals. It is worth adding here that the proportion of phosphorus - calcium should be maintained. 1.5 : 2.

The number of daily meals should depend on the level of milk production by the mother, the number of puppies in the litter and the results of weight control. The larger the litter, the more often puppies should be fed. The number of meals after the transition from milk feeding in the 5th week should be up to a maximum of 8 per 24 hours.
Between 5 and 8 weeks we should change the ratio of the number of meals to the size. During this time, puppies should be fed 3-4 meals a day. However, the weight of a single meal should be increased so that the puppy is finally getting around 100 to 120 grams of food per day.

Feeding in a new home.
At the time of collection, the baby will eat 3 to 4 meals. Usually in the first week after receiving the puppy from the kennel. At this time perturbations related to stress and a change of environment may occur. However, within 2-3 days the situation should stabilize.

  • Here is a note for future owners.

In this first period in your home. Let's not overfeed the puppy. Also, don't change the food right away. Let's use the food we got from the breeder. And if that's not possible, it's safest to use a hypoallergenic puppy food. Usually ACANA, Orijen or Royal Canin are available worldwide.
The owner who is reading this text. If you are from the US, never use Pedigree or Purina.

If your puppy has moved home. It may be that he gets diarrhea or loses his appetite. DO NOT PANIC.
In this case, contact your veterinarian or breeder.
We, as breeders, recommend putting away all kinds of treats, dog chips or other products that are not basic food. Perhaps the puppy does not tolerate the ingredients contained in such products or it's just result of stress.
Visit your veterinarian first. a If he says everything is ok.
Give your puppy only water and a small amount of food.
There may be different bacterial flora in the water where you live. What can cause perturbations. In this case, it is good to give pro and prebiotics as well as something for diarrhea (here it is best to consult your vet).

However, if the transition to a new home did not cause any undesirable problems. We can focus on the decision. whether we use the same food as the breeder or we switch to a different form of nutrition.

If we stay on the dry food that the breeder used. We don't have to do anything else. All you need to do is watch the amount of meals and supplementation (if the toddler's development requires it). We can stay on the formula of 3-4 meals. However, we recommend gradually reducing to 2 meals a day. It looks like. Until the end of the 3rd month we feed min. 3 meals, spreading out the maximum amount of food given in the table on the package for the whole day. Remember to pay attention to the weight. We calculate the amount of food needed by weight. That's my thing. Let's always add 10% more food.

In a situation where we want to switch to a dry food from another manufacturer or to barf. We follow this rule.
DAY 1.
We add 10% of the new food to the already used one.
Day 2
Day 3
30% and so on until we get to 100% new food in meals.

Products that can be added to meals as a supplement enriching food:

  • cottage cheese
    raw yolk
    raw carrot
    boiled beetroot
    apple, pear, banana, strawberries, pineapple
    natural white yogurt
    small amounts of milk whey as a natural probiotic

Products that your puppy should never eat!

  • onion
    large amounts of garlic
    chicken and pig bones
    raw potatoes
    all kinds of potted flowers and garden ivy!